Karaoke Français
Karaoke Français is a language learning game that tests a person's auditory understanding of the French language through song. My goal for this project was to help people learn a language in a fun and playful way.
How it Works
The player first hears a line from a song and sees the words from the song written out, but one word is missing. The player then needs to choose the correct missing word that they heard. If the answer is correct, the button that the player clicked turns green and the correct missing word shows up green in the French sentence above, along with the corrected English translation below it. If the player chooses the wrong word, that button turns red, however, the correct missing word shows up in both the English and French translations.
The player's score is tallied in the upper right-hand corner. Each correct answer issues the player 50 points. There are 20 questions in all, resulting in a possible 1000 points. The player can click the "Listen Again" button to hear the musical line again and can also choose to start the game over at any time by clicking the "Start Over" button.
Karaoke Français is a web-based game played in the browser. I designed and developed it using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Music is by the fabulous Pink Martini.